Olive Oil

Hamilton Russell Vineyards Olive Oil is grown in the traditional way without irrigation and at very low yields, both in terms of kilograms per tree and oil yield per kilogram. Extreme care is taken to hand-pick the olives used for our oil at the stage of ripeness which results in a fresh, aromatic, full flavored oil with a peppery finish. A high percentage of sandstone-derived soils emphasize this fresh lifted fruit and cut-grass character while delivering a lighter more elegant palate structure. The percentage of clay grown olives provides additional structure and density to the oil.

Latest vintage available online via Port2Port.

Tons harvested:
Litres made:
1 117
Oil Yield:
Number of Trees:
Frantoio & SA Leccino:
2300 trees, 4.5 ha
750 trees, 1.5 ha
Oil produced on clay-rich soils:
Oil produced on sandstone-derived soils:
Free Fatty Acids:
Bottles produced:
2 233 x 500ml
This blend:
Frantoio & SA Leccino 85% Mission 15%  
Growing Season

Sometimes unusual weather conditions produce very positive results and 2019 was one of those harvests. During the winter olive tree resting period, we experienced below average rainfall, with a temperature 2 °C cooler than normal. A good rest. Lower than average rainfall during flowering, with temperatures 3 °C warmer than the long-term average, resulted in particularly healthy fruit set. Despite some gale-force winds during this period, flower loss was minimal. A very slightly cooler fruit-growth period and an unexpected all-time high March rainfall, surprised us with an above average yield. Smaller fruit size resulted in an intensely flavoured and structured olive oil. Altogether a very good year.

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